SEL Matters
SEL is Everybody's Biz
How social-emotional learning aligns with building the workforce of tomorrow
Business leaders increasingly recognize the importance of Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) in fostering a workforce that possesses skills like communication, problem-solving, and decision-making to meet the business and economic challenges.
As a business leader, you can lend your voice to amplify the importance of social-emotional learning. Here are ways you can influence the future workforce:
Share your insights and experiences by submitting a quote on the critical skills you feel our education system should cultivate.
Share your quotes/thoughts to your social media and company newsletter with these tags: #SELisEverybodysBiz #workforce #futureofwork #workforcereadiness @selproviders
Consider speaking about your expectations for your future workforce with policymakers, media outlets, universities, chambers of commerce, and community organizations.
Check out some of the quotes we've collected so far and if you're a business leader, we'd love to hear from you! Let us know what SEL skills would benefit your business and we will feature your quote too!